Privacy Policy

Effective Date: August 3, 2023

Thank you for entrusting your source files, projects, and personal information to DIYLink. Protecting your private information is a serious responsibility, and we want you to know how we handle it.


We only collect your information with your consent; we only collect the minimum personal information necessary to fulfill the purpose of your interaction with us; we do not sell it to third parties; we only use it as described in this Privacy Statement.

Of course, the brief version doesn't tell you everything, so please read on for more details!

What Information DIYLink Collects and Why

Information from Website Browsers

If you are just browsing the website, we collect the same basic information that most websites collect. We use common internet technologies like cookies and web server logs. This is what we collect from everyone, whether they have an account or not.

The information we collect about all visitors to our website includes the visitor's browser type, language preference, referring site, additional websites requested, and the date and time of each visitor request. We may also collect personally identifying information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

Why Do We Collect This?

We collect this information to better understand how our website visitors use DIYLink and to monitor and protect the security of the website.

Information from User Accounts

If you create an account, we need some basic information at the time of account creation. You will create your own username and password, and we will ask you to provide a valid email account. If you wish, you can also choose to provide us with more information, which may include 'User Personal Information.'

'User Personal Information' is any information about one of our users that can, alone or in combination with other information, identify him or her personally. Examples of 'User Personal Information' include usernames and passwords, email addresses, real names, and photographs.

User Personal Information does not include aggregated, non-personally identifying information. We may use aggregated, non-personally identifying information to operate, improve, and optimize our website and services.

What Information DIYLink Does Not Collect

We do not intentionally collect sensitive personal information, such as social security numbers, genetic data, health information, or religious information. While DIYLink does not require or intentionally collect any sensitive personal information, we know that you may store this kind of information in your account, such as in applications. If you store any sensitive personal information on our servers, you consent to our storing that information on our servers located in the United States.

We do not intentionally collect information stored in your applications or other free-form content inputs. The information in your applications belongs to you, and you are responsible for it, ensuring that your content complies with our Terms of Service. DIYLink employees do not access applications except for security, maintenance, or support reasons, and with the application owner's consent.

If you are a child under the age of 13, you may not have a DIYLink account. DIYLink does not knowingly collect information from or target any of our content to children under 13. If we learn or have reason to suspect that you are a user under the age of 13, we will regretfully close your account. We don't want to stop you from learning to code, but those are the rules. For information on account termination, please refer to ourTerms of Service

How We Share the Information We Collect

We do not share, sell, rent, or trade user personal information with third parties for their commercial purposes.

We do not disclose user personal information outside of DIYLink, except in the situations listed in the Compelled Disclosure section below.

We do share certain aggregated, non-personally identifying information with others about how our users collectively use DIYLink, or how our users respond to our other products, such as our conferences or events. For example, we may compile statistics on the usage of HTTP content types in DIYLink. However, we do not sell this information to advertisers or marketers.

We may share user personal information with your permission, so we can perform services you have requested.

We may share user personal information with a small number of third-party vendors who process it on our behalf to provide or improve our services, and who have agreed to privacy restrictions similar to our own privacy statement. Our vendors provide services such as payment processing, customer payment ticketing, network data transmission, and other similar services.

If we are involved in a merger, sale, or acquisition, we may share user personal information. If any such ownership change happens, we will ensure it complies with the terms protecting the confidentiality of user personal information, and we will notify you through our website or email before any transfer of your user personal information. Any organization receiving user personal information must fulfill any commitments we have made in our Privacy Statement or Terms of Service.

Our Use of Cookies and Tracking


DIYLink uses cookies to make interactions with our services easy and meaningful. We use cookies (and similar technologies like HTML5 localStorage) to keep you logged in, remember your preferences, and provide information for DIYLink's future development.

A cookie is a small piece of text that our web server stores on your computer or mobile device, which your browser sends to us when you return to our site. If you are just visiting DIYLink, cookies do not necessarily identify you; however, a cookie can store a unique identifier for each logged-in user. Cookies set by DIYLink are essential for the site to operate or are used for performance or functionality. By using our site, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your computer or device. If you disable your browser's or device's ability to accept cookies, you will not be able to log in or use DIYLink's services.


If you do not want online services to collect and share certain types of information about your online activities from third-party tracking services, you can set a 'Do Not Track' privacy preference in your browser. Over time, we will not track your online browsing activities on other online services, and we do not allow third-party services to track your activities on our website beyond our basic Google Analytics tracking, which you can opt out of here. Because we do not share such data with third-party services or allow the collection of such third-party data on DIYLink for any of our users, and we do not track our users on third-party websites, we do not need to respond differently to individual browser 'Do Not Track' settings.

If you are interested in enabling privacy and 'Do Not Track' settings in your browser, the Do Not Track website provides browser-specific instructions.

Please refer to our section on email communications for information on our use of pixel tags in marketing emails.

How DIYLink Protects Your Information

DIYLink takes all reasonably necessary measures to protect user personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction; maintain data accuracy; and help ensure the proper use of user personal information. We follow widely accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.

No method of transmission or electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

DIYLink's Global Privacy Policy

The information we collect will be stored and processed in the local country according to this Privacy Statement. However, we understand that we have users from different countries and regions with different expectations of privacy, and we strive to meet those needs.

We provide the same standard of privacy protection to all users worldwide, regardless of the country or region they come from. We are proud of the levels of notice, choice, accountability, security, data integrity, access, and resources we provide. We have appointed a privacy advisor and strive to comply with applicable data privacy laws wherever we do business. Additionally, if our vendors or affiliates have access to user personal information, they must comply with our privacy policy and applicable data privacy laws, including signing data transfer agreements such as standard contractual clauses.

In Particular:

When we collect your personal data, DIYLink provides clear and explicit means of obtaining informed consent at the point of data collection.

We only collect the minimum personal data necessary unless you choose to provide more. We encourage you to provide only the amount of data you are comfortable sharing.

We provide simple ways for you to access, correct, or delete the data we collect.

We provide users with notice, choice, accountability, security, and access, as well as limiting the purpose of processing. We also offer our users a means of recourse and enforcement. These are privacy protection principles, but they are also just good practices.

Resolving Complaints

If you have concerns about how DIYLink is handling your user personal information, please let us know immediately. We want to help. You can email us directly at support@DIYLink with the subject line 'Privacy Concern.' We will respond within 45 days at the latest.

How We Handle Compelled Disclosure

DIYLink may disclose personal identifying information or other information we collect about you to law enforcement agencies based on a valid subpoena, court order, warrant, or similar government order, or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect your property or rights, or those of a third party or the public at large.

In complying with court orders and similar legal processes, DIYLink strives for transparency. Whenever possible, we will make reasonable efforts to notify users of any disclosure of information, unless prohibited by law or court order or in rare emergency situations.

How You Can Access and Control the Information We Collect

If you are already a DIYLink user, you can access, update, change, or delete your basic user profile information by editing your user profile or contacting support@DIYLink.

Data Retention and Deletion

DIYLink will retain user personal information as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you with services.

We may retain certain user personal information indefinitely unless you delete it or request its deletion. For example, we do not automatically delete inactive user accounts, so unless you choose to delete your account, we will retain your account information indefinitely.

If you wish to cancel your account or delete your user personal information, you can email support@DIYLink. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements, but unless legally required, we will delete your complete profile within 30 days (to a reasonable extent).

How We Communicate With You

If you consent, we will use your email address to communicate with you, and only to the extent that you wish. You have the utmost control over how your email address is used and shared on and through DIYLink.

Depending on your email settings, DIYLink may occasionally send you emails about new features, feedback requests, important policy changes, or customer support notices. We also send marketing emails, but only if you consent. Each email we send contains an unsubscribe link at the bottom.

Our emails may contain a small tag, which is a small, clear image that can tell us if you have opened the email and what your IP address is. We use this tag to make our emails more effective for you and to ensure we do not send you unwanted emails. If you do not want to receive tags, please opt out of marketing emails.

Changes to Our Privacy Statement

Although most changes are likely to be minor, DIYLink may change our Privacy Statement from time to time. We will notify users of any significant changes to this Privacy Statement at least 30 days before they take effect by posting a notice on our homepage or emailing the email address specified in your DIYLink primary account. For changes to this Privacy Statement that do not affect your rights, we encourage visitors to check this page frequently.

Contact DIYLink

Questions about DIYLink's Privacy Statement or information practices can be sent to support@DIYLink.

Cookies and Related Technologies on This Site

To enhance your experience on our site, we use cookies to collect and store some of your information. Your privacy is very important to us, and we strictly comply with relevant privacy protection regulations to ensure the security of your personal information.

You can choose whether to accept cookies. Please select below:
